Since I could not achieve any of my big goals, I am just going to make 2015 a year of smaller goals that will help me get my life on track.
Some small goals I achieved in 2014:
- Got over my massive creative block
- Launched my gallery website (
- Opened a TFSA and saved a big chunk of money
- Explored my options, opened zazzle, redbubble and designbyhumans store.
I am gonna start 2015 off with the goals of not drinking any more pop (that ones a toughy!), adding 5 items a day to my zazzle shop, continue to draw and experiment with graphics once a day, and double my savings by June! I know I can achieve these ones, much of it is just continuing the small goals I set for myself the beginning of December.
This also marks the end of my first month on zazzle! Heres my stats:
559 Pageviews
121 Sessions
368 Items for Sale
15 unique designs and illustrations
1 Sale (Owl Luggage Tag)
My top 3 viewed items are:
#1: Owl Luggage tag (12 views)
Sunrise Owl Case Makeup Bags by TanyaDraws
Browse more Sunset Bagettes Bags
#3: Ipad Mini Owl Case (7 views)
iPad Mini Owl Case iPad Mini Sleeves by TanyaDraws
View more Ipad mini owl iPad Sleeves
It seems my owl items are my most popular. It is also the first design I put on zazzle! I was surprised to sell one item in December, as I heard that it takes months before you start selling, and I joined at the end of christmas shopping season. I don't expect many sales, maybe I will get a few around valentines day (I have some couple designs I am adding soon), but for now I am going to focus on just getting my work out there and learning about the POD marketplace. The amount of pageviews and sessions is a very good sign to me, it shows that I have been successfully diverting traffic to my zazzle page, and that I should just keep up what I am doing!
Zazzlers and readers, what is your new years goal? I hope everyone has wonderful New Years celebrations lined up, and has an awesome start to 2015! :)